Congo Bar & Talam Cendol

Order untuk Lina, BBB...tq sis!

Order untuk Yati, BBB...tq sis!

Cream Puff & Congo Bar

Ordered by Faz, tqvm....please come back more!

Ordered by Ros, Kajang, tqvm!

Apam Polkadot

Apam polkadot ditempah oleh Azie, Shah Alam...tq for repeat order!

Karipap & Donut sambal

 Karipap pusing & donut sambal order oleh Kak Azie, BBB....goreng separuh masak dulu sebelum customer datang ambil...

Tart Nenas & Karipap Frozen

Hari yang busy dengan Tart Gulung & Karipap frozen untuk customer

Congo Bar

Order oleh K. Siti, request letak chocolate chip  on the top....tq Kak!

Bunga Dada

Order oleh Elin untuk majlis perkahwinan anak kakaknya....tq Elin

Chocolate Sponge Cake with Fresh Cream

Ordered by Siti, Kajang......she will decorated with fruits on top

Congo Bar & Fudgy Brownies

Order from Ita & Ain, Kajang...tks for the order

Vanilla Muffin

Vanilla I received an order for vanilla muffin ..... although it is the basic muffin but this is the first time I received order for this muffin (feeling worried).... Chocolate & pandan muffin, are the famous muffins from my oven ... anyway, I really hope that they will loved it....thanks for the order, please come back more....

Fruits Tart, Cheese Tart & Carrot Cake

Order oleh Nora, BBB & Ayu, Kajang...TQ for ordering...please come back for more ya!

Maruku, Cookies & Chocolate Muffin

Sebahagian tempahan untuk Aidil Adha

Small muffin order oleh K. Yati, Kajang